Wednesday 6 October 2010

Research Plan

Slide one: Can recurrent themes and issues found in Disney animations be considered Auteur signatures?

Slide two: What is an Auteur signature?

  • What does it mean?
  • What makes an Auteur signature?
  • Is Disney studios an Auteur?
Slide three: What are the themes and issues found in Disney animations?

  • The themes and issues I have found present in the Disney films I've studied.
Slide 4 : Royalty
  • Marina Warner.
  • Universal to aspire to - riches, respect, power etc
Slide 5: Love

Slide 6 : Friendship

Slide 7: Family

Slide 8: Fantasy/ Fairytale

Slide 9: Good vs Evil

Slide four: How much of the original stories have Disney changed?

  • Originals vs Disney adaptations - how big are the changes and what specifically has been changed
  • Lion King as an original story - controversy.

Slide five: Why has Disney made these changes?

  • Expectations from the audience- appeal?
  • Widen the audience - when did it change from kids films to universally suitable?
  • Success
  • etc

Slide six: How successful are Disney animations?
  • box office figures
  • impact
  • reviews

Slide seven: Reasons for the success

  • is it because they deliver what is expected of them in terms of themes? style? story?
  • less successful disney films? why?

Slide eight: So Can reccurent themes and issues found in disney animations be considered an auteur signature?

  • explain why no
  • explain why yes
  • and my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Is this the same Hannah De Oliveira that made these videos?

    Some Chat For The Cat - Episode Six - BellyButton Fetish Man!

    Some Chat For The Cat - Episode 7 - Disney ripped us off! =O and bellybutton apologies

    The videos are also saved on this blog:

    BellyButton Fetish Man!

